吉屋 充
tangenet デザイナー
Worked as a menswear designer at an apparel company and then became independent. Actively engaged in the mission of bringing Japanese artisanal products to people. Currently living in Hayama, Kanagawa prefecture. Favorite motto: Make those who are near happy and those who are far will come.
CONTACT : mitsuruyoshiya@gmail.com
笹沼 裕文
tangenet パタンナー
Worked as a pattern maker at an apparel company and then became independent. Currently living in Shiomoda, Shizuoka prefecture.
CONTACT : sasanuma0507@gmail.com
1930 年、当時の先端素材である人絹(人工絹糸=今日のレーヨン)の北陸産地での拡販を使命に福井で事業を開始。
現在はナイロンやポリエステル、そして新合繊と呼ばれる付加価値型合繊素材やトリアセテート、キュプラといった再生繊維など幅広いテキスタイルを開発。綿などの天然と合繊との複合素材のクオリティも高くオリジナリティーあふれる。tangenetのHigh density jerseyは、この広撚で作られている。
Textile company with over 90 years history since its founding.
Business started in 1930 in Fukui prefecture, with the mission of expanding sales of artificial silk (current day rayon), a cutting edge material at the time, within the Hokuriku production area.
Currently has developed a wide range of textiles, including nylon, polyester, value-added synthetic fiber materials referred to as “new synthetic fibers,” and recycled fibers such as triacetate and cupra. The company’s composite materials made by combining natural materials like cotton with synthetic materials are also high quality and full of originality. “tangenet” 's high density jersey is made here at Hironen Co., Ltd.
CONTACT : k-okumura@hironen.co.jp
2018年にはサスティナブルマテリアルブランド「NATURE & SUNS®︎」をスタート。環境と人に優しく、エコロジカル。未来の美しい自然を守るためにテキスタイルサプライヤーができることを、地球と対話する様に考え、かたちにしていく。
tangenetのシャツ素材はこの「NATURE & SUNS®︎」のコレクションからレクセルという再生繊維を使用している。森菊は伝統的な「三河木綿」を継承しつつ、未来の地球環境も考慮したモノづくりを理念とした織物のプロ集団。
General trading company for textiles founded in 1897 (Meiji era year 30). Headquarters are in Gamagori, Aichi prefecture, a scenic town surrounded on three sides by mountains and looks out to Mikawa bay.
This region, which used to be called “Mikwa-koku,” is said to be the place where cotton was first introduced. It is thus the birthplace of the historic “Mikawa cotton.” Domestically produced
cotton was first cited in literature in 1510. Even now after so many years,
Morikiku follows the tradition and continues to produce this “Mikawa cotton.”
In 2018, the company started the sustainable material brand “NATURE & SUNS®︎.”
The shirt material of “tangenet” uses the recycled fiber Rexcell from the “NATURE & SUNS®︎'' collection. Morikiku is a group of textile professionals that upholds the philosophy of manufacturing practices that cares for the future of the environment, while continuing the tradition of “Mikawa cotton.”
CONTACT : t-kondo@morikiku.com
その歴史を振り返ってみると、代々商家として事業を継承してきたが、江戸期文化9年(1812 年)初代難波春次郎氏が分家して「新春商店」を創業し、天然藍の問屋業と織物業を開始。明治19年(1886年)2代目難波栄次郎氏が「難波商店」と名称を変更し、藍問屋、織物問屋のほか染色業等の事業を拡張。その後も時代に沿って視野を海外へと広げていった染色業のパイオニア。現在では20代、30代の若い社員を中心に長年培ってきた知識と経験を活かして「縫製後の出口」として製品の多彩な加工も手掛ける。製品染めでは反応、硫化、酸性、顔料、絞りなど。洗い加工では柔軟、バイオ、ボールバイオ、顔料洗い、ブリーチなどバリエーション豊富。
Started in Kurashiki, Okayama prefecture in the middle of the Edo period as a manufacturing and sales business of textiles, then transitioned to focus on the related business of selling textile dyes and textile processing chemicals. Looking back on its
history, the business had always been conducted as a merchant house throughout the generations, but in 1812 (Edo Bunka era year 9), the first generation Shunjiro Namba branched out and founded Shinshun Shoten, a wholesale business for natural indigo and
textiles. In 1886 (Meiji era year 19), the second generation Eijiro Namba changed the name of the business to “Namba Shoten,” and expanded the indigo and textile wholesale business as well as textile dyeing business. Henceforth, the company kept with the times and broadened its sights overseas and became a
pioneer in the textile dyeing industry. Currently, employees of the company mainly in their 20s and 30s utilize the knowledge and experience accumulated over the years to handle a wide range of processes considered to be products’ “exit after sewing.” At “tangenet”, the wash process to make the texture of 100% rayon shirts cotton-like is done at Namba Industries. It makes use of the highly original technique and know-how refined over the long history of the company.
CONTACT : ynoda@namba.co.jp
Since its founding in 1941, the company has created unique textiles by innovating various technologies related to textiles, plain and printed knitted material, and dye processes mainly for natural fibers.
The company went global early on in the field of textiles, establishing overseas
subsidiaries in Thailand and Indonesia. Not only the dye process of textile products, but the company’s technologies to add functionality such as
antibacterial, anti-shrink and water-resistant properties to textiles are highly regarded all over the world.
All of the company’s domestic factories have implemented biomass boilers,
realizing carbon dioxide-free operations. The company engages in environmentally friendly manufacturing by implementing strategies such as the collection and recycling of caustic soda used in the manufacturing process.
“tangenet” uses Tokai Senko’s special process technologies to actualize sustainable black and white.
CONTACT : m.inagaki@tokai-senko.co.jp
Established in 1970. Textile company with over 50 years history. It’s strength is it’s archive of color, pattern, and quality samples accumulated over its history. The company actively collaborates with production areas such as Hokuriku and Hamamatsu which are outside of the Bishu region, developing
highly original products that cross the borders of production areas. The company trades not only with domestic apparel companies but also overseas
fashion houses based in locations such as New York and Europe.
岡山県倉敷市にて明治21年(1888年)創業。手織りから始まり、徐々に機械化を進め、現在の革新織機へと移行してきたタケヤリの歩みは、日本の織布工場の歴史そのもの。Made in japanの倉敷帆布は、帆船、トラックの幌、体育館用マット、ベルトコンベア基布、ワーキングウェア、トートバッグなど、タケヤリが製造する帆布はそれぞれの時代の中、様々な形で愛され続けてきた。昔ながらの織機による味わい深いヴィンテージキャンバス、軍用として使用されるほど耐久性、機能性を持つ産業資材。シンプルだからこそ、無限にある可能性。それを一つ一つ形にしながら、次の100年に向けても新しい素材を作り続けていく伝統と革新の老舗織布メーカー。
CONTACT : inagaki6020@gmail.com